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Something Want to Say About These Umbrellas
2021-06-09 09:15:14
The busy and short Spring Festival holiday is quickly coming to an end. According to the statutory holiday, we will start to work on February 18.
However, on the morning of the 16th, I received a text message from JIAN . They were very satisfied with the transparent white cloud umbrella last time. they should be very popular in the local area. This time he has a new idea. That is he decided to design a sunrise, a sunrise on the sea level. Wow, when we put out his idea as an umbrella, we were shocked so beautiful.
Jian also praised us and said that working with us is so reassuring, no proofing is needed, and the quality can surprise him every time.

A similar customization request comes from Nico in Greece. he wants a umbrella with blue sky and white clouds. I recommended This folding umbrella to him, the umbrella with 200T pongee fabric , the blue sky and white clouds design, full glass fiber ribs, automatic Open and automatic close, the price is just acceptable to him, and soon he decided to buy 30. But his favorite umbrella style is a straight umbrella with a wooden handle, and they said that they will customize a straight umbrella with a wooden handle next month.

This umbrella full of African tissue style is AYA in Canada. She has a dress with this pattern. She likes it very much. She wants to design it into the same umbrella. She took a picture with a camera and sent it to me. Let us print it and make a Umbrella came out, but because the pixels of the pictures she sent did not meet the requirements of high-definition printing, we communicated back and forth for about a month. In the end, we suggested not to use the pictures taken by the camera, and let the designer drawing it . The pattern is drawn into a vector illustration. Thanks to the designer’s work, we finally helped Aya to make the umbrella. I like this umbrella very much. I am also going to buy one from Aya for my own use, because this is A unique umbrella.

This folding umbrella is a sample from an American customer Margi. Since he emailed his logo to me, our designer has designed 3 layouts for him, and the final result is the double-layer pongee fabric use digital printing.
He finally will order a golf umbrella, but in order to save the sample shipping fee, I suggest , if him just want to test our printing quality, he can make a folding umbrella as sample first, because the folding umbrella is lighter in weight and bulkier than the golf umbrella. Also small, the express cost is less than one-third of the golf umbrella. From the real shots of the samples, we can see how correct this decision is. We expect Margi to receive the samples and place a big order.

The design of these two umbrellas came from the same customer at a glance, right? Yes, the customer’s 2 logos, we made 2 styles of designs for him, the printing process is also different, the whole umbrella printing is digital printing; printing 4 panels, that is screen printing,. Those two are 51-inch golf umbrella size, He should have received them now. I am looking forward to his next order.
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