Stay relaxed during the pandemic
- 2022-03-24 11:17:58
It's hard to believe that the first lockdown started almost two years ago. It felt so different back then...for the first time in our lives we were going through a pandemic, we were worried and scared, and we almost embraced our free time safely at home. Many of us start exercising, running, walking once a day. If we had to use one word, this year's winter lockdown would be all the more frustrating. A year of pandemic has changed us forever, but we can't give up physical and mental help.

The end is in sight, and we can start preparing for a return to normalcy. Here are a few ways to prepare your body and mind for ending the lockdown:

Walking - This is the easiest and cheapest way to get used to being active and connecting with people again. Choose a place that is not crowded where you can easily maintain social distancing. You can enjoy any open business like a coffee shop or some bakery. Don't forget to bring an umbrella as we are still in the rainy season.

Make a plan - yes, the government does not recommend booking holidays right away, but making a plan for when the lockdown ends will be very beneficial to your mental health. There is something to look forward to that has been proven time and time again to be the best mental health coaching. Don't set specific dates in your schedule to avoid stress. Imagine meeting your friends and planning what you are going to do. Plan local trips you can take, researching the best hotels and attractions. Gather accessories you might need on your trip, such as a Lightweight travel umbrella.

Stick to your work schedule - it's easy to lose motivation or work longer hours if you're working from home. It is important to understand that we are living in unusual times and our mental health has suffered this year. We are not at 100% capacity. Remove the pressure you put on yourself and let work fit into our present life. If you can, take a break and go for a walk. Change your routine now to best suit you, including your start and end hours. Make sure to establish a boundary between home and work, preferably a separate room or workstation that can be closed at the end of the day.

Contact friends you feel comfortable with - the main problem with this lockdown is that we don't do much, so we don't have much to talk about with our friends. Call or message a friend and you can talk about your dinner last night and all the little things that aren't so funny and usually don't deserve to be mentioned. Share TV, movie and book recommendations. Don't complain about the government and lockdown - it won't make you feel better!

You can even make small gifts for your friends and family. Getting a gift could be the best way to cheer yourself up on yet another day in lockdown! Susinoumbrella recommends Automatic folding umbrella for lovely male friends and family and women's umbrellas for moms, sisters and besties!

Find Alternative Mobility - Mobility isn't limited to fancy bikes and running apps, sometimes it's just playing with the kids or cleaning the house, gardening. Anything that gets you off the couch! VR games are also fun and make you very active before you know it.

All in all, stop putting so much pressure on yourself to live your life as if we weren't in the midst of a pandemic. Adjust your life according to the situation and be kind to yourself!
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